
Protesters, police prepare for more immigration protests

Los Angeles Daily News 2/8 2:00A Victoria Ivie
Southern California protests this week drew thousands to the streets to lobby for immigrant rights, leading to fights ,  arrests, and injuries to police officers . Now immigration rights activists and...

Philadelphia churches deliver fire aid to local faithful

Los Angeles Daily News 2/8 1:00A Anissa Rivera
One month ago, Jonathan A. Mason asked Terry Lynn O Donnell one question: What are we going to do about California? Turns out, the answer is: plenty. Mason, pastor of Northeast Baptist Church and O...

Things to do in the San Fernando Valley, LA area, Feb. 6-13

Los Angeles Daily News 2/6 2:00A Holly Andres
A new exhibit Barbie You Can Be Anything: The Experience is open through May 11 at the Discovery Cube Los Angeles in Sylmar. (Photo courtesy of Discovery Cube Los Angeles) The unprecedented wildfires...

10 reasons we cling to stuff we don’t need — and how to stop

Los Angeles Daily News 1/18 3:40A Marni Jameson
The beginning of a new year is the ideal time to harness those feelings of guilty excess and summon the resolve to lighten up. I know it’s no fun. As I sort through my own home, I have a whole arsenal...
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